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Capturing of Swasthya Sathi/Other Insurance Scheme in Government Hospital PPP Cases
Have you Swasthya Sathi URN?         Fetch Previous Treatment Data     
Swasthya Sathi URN   *               
Patient Name   *
Patient Name   *
Patient State  *     *   
Whether Covered with Other Insurance Scheme     *     *   
Patient District   *
Block/Municipality   *
Block   *
Gram Panchayat   *
Village   *
Municipality   *
Ward   *
Patient Address   *
Patient's HOF Name (Father/Spouse)   *
Patient Relation with HOF   *
Patient Gender   *
Patient Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Patient Age   *
Patient Aadhaar No.   *   
Patient Mobile No.   *
Treatment Type (IPD/OPD)   *
Treatment ID (IPD/OPD ID)
Ward Type (General Ward,ICU,etc.)   *
Treatment Procedure/Department Name
Type of Services
Type of PPP Model
Date of Service (DD/MM/YYYY)
Treatment Package Name
Treatment Package Amount (Rs.)
Unique No. of the Patient